Overheating laptops have gotten a lot of press over the last few years. The problem first gained popular attention around 2006, when reports of laptops actually catching fire started trickling in around the globe. The problem there was faulty batteries, and companies like Dell, Sony and Acer had to initiate major recalls.
The general issue of hot laptops is separate from those bad batteries, but laptop "explosions" certainly brought attention to the basic cause: Scorching heat is a bad trait for something that sits on your lap. People have actually gotten burned [source: BBC]. Short of that, hard drives are damaged by excessive heat.
But if the problem isn't a bad battery, what's making these laptops so hot?
You've probably noticed that all of your electronics get hot when they run for a while -- try putting your hand on the DVD player after you play a movie. Electronic components generate heat when they're working, and your laptop is no different.
In this article, we'll find out why laptops get so hot and see what you can do -- in terms of both maintenance and add-ons -- to keep yours cool. You don't even have to spend any money to do it.
There are two major reasons why laptops have more of an overheating problem than desktops. First, since laptops are smaller than desktops, those electronic components are crammed in there more tightly. Since they're closer together, and since the casing of a laptop is so narrow, there's not much room for the heat to dissipate.
Keep Your Laptop Cool
Posted by I Gede Antara Putra, ST.How to keep laptop batrey
Posted by I Gede Antara Putra, ST.The battery is a principal element of your laptop, it is also one of most expensive and that which tends more to be damaged with time. To maintain your battery in good operating condition is thus crucial.
The batteries Ion lithium (Li-ion) of the current laptops lose their autonomy mainly because of two factors: Firstly the use, secondly the natural aging of the chemical components. Therefore, whatever the precautions which you will take your battery will wear with time. It is considered that on average a battery at one lifespan from 18 to 24 months, last this time its autonomy is likely to strongly drop.
The councils that I give you will only delay the expiry:
The first thing to understand in connection with your laptop battery it is that it loses a little its load permanently it loses a little its load permanently even if you do not use it. More the temperature of the battery is high more quickly it discharges. Thus the first thing to be made is to preserve your battery as fresh as possible. The manufacturers store their battery around the 15° what they regard as the ideal temperature. On the other hand, to cool too much your battery (such as for example by arranging it in your refrigerator) risk to damage it definitively.
The second thing to know it is that the autonomy of your battery decrease a little with each cycle of charge/discharge. What is not surprising, but when one combines it with the preceding point that can involve astonishing consequences:
When a laptop user leaves his battery in his machine but guard his adapter connected to the sector, the battery of its computer passes constantly by cycles of charge/discharge!
A battery which remains utilized inside a laptop discharges a little more quickly than the normal because of the heat released by operation from the computer. Once that the level of load goes down below a predetermined level (different for each manufacturer), the adapter reloads the battery until the maximum. As the battery ages this cycle is increasingly short what still accelerates the degradation of its autonomy.